ABB Relion 600 series have a wide range of applications. PCM 600 is the software to config these relays. If you want to be a professional in the protection system, I suggest you learn ABB relay manuals and configuration software.

We’ve also gathered important related files/videos to help you with your time-saving & convenience. For this course, you require to complete the DIGSI 5 and IEC 61850 training first because they are prerequisite Lessons for understanding this topic.
PCM 600 Video Training
- Language: English
- Duration: 4 hours main course + hours of supplementary files
- Trainer: Dr. Saeed Roostaee (Profile on Linkedin)
- Prerequisite: DIGSI 5 and IEC 61850 training
- Supplementary Files (.pcmi files / video / pdf/ PCM 600/ connectivity package …)
- Certificate of Completion
Main Training:
ABB PCM 600 training by Dr. Saeed Roostaee (4 hours)
- Part 1: ABB relays history, PCM and connectivity pack installation, create project structure based on IEC 61850, different ways to add IEDs (ABB and non-abb relays), different steps to config a relay without reconfiguration and with reconfiguration, how to use Xrio format to set the parameters
- Part 2: hardware configuration, config analog inputs (voltage and current), application configuration, function blocks and naming based on IEC 61850 standard, IEC symbol, and ANSI code, config a simple overcurrent function,
- Part 3: config a simple distance protection function (SMAI, SMBI, SMBO, ZMMAPDIS, ZMMPDIS, FUFSPVC, …), configure sample signals based on the 7SA diagram (diagram is discussed and configured in the DIGSI 5 training pack)
- Part 4:config a simple 67N protection function, config disturbance reports (ARDAR, BRDAR, LED)
- Part 5: Parameter settings, XRIO format
- Part 6: product guide for a pre-configured distance relay, and ordering, modifying pre-configured distance relay based on our projects, Analog inputs (current &s for voltage), Distance Protection functions, and Communication logic
- Part 7: Current and Voltage protection functions and Earth Fault Protection Communication logic, Circuit Breaker Autorecloser and Tripping logics, Signal Logic and General IED functions, Virtual Binary inputs and outputs, Disturbance report analog and binary inputs
Supplementary & Pre-requisites Files:

Demo Videos

For more info, please contact us:
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- WhatsApp: +989129613659
Our Other Completed pieces of training:
- DIGSI 4 offline video training (3 hrs)
- DIGSI 5 offline video training (7 hrs)
- IEC 61850 Configurator training (4 hrs)
- ETAP VIDEO Training (5.5)
- PSCAD video training (4 hrs)
- MiCOM Relays Training Package (4 hrs)
- Testing and Commissioning of Protective Relays
- Generator Protection Training Package